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13 Resolutions of the 19th National Umushyikirano council

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The 19th National Umushyikirano Council (NUC) was convened on 23rd – 24th January 2024 in Kigali, presided over by His Excellency Paul Kagame, The President of the Republic of Rwanda.

Umushyikirano brought together Rwandans from across the nation, Government officials, members of the Rwandan community abroad, the 

diplomatic community, development partners, and representatives of regional as well as international media.

In his opening address, His Excellency Paul Kagame reflected upon Rwanda’s transformative journey over the past 30 years, following the Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi.

He presented the State of the Nation Address, highlighting the 

nation’s steadfast progression.

Key topics discussed during the National Umushyikirano sessions included Implementation status of the National Strategy for Transformation (NST1), Economic Resilience: The potential of traditional and emerging sectors, Rwanda’s journey towards Unity and Resilience and The role of Youth Leadership in shaping Rwanda’s future.

After extensive discussions, the following National Umushyikirano resolutions were adopted:


1.Accelerate implementation of strategies to boost agricultural production and food security by: Expanding agricultural land utilization, including non-utiized areas; Increasing the number of wetlands developed for agricultural use across the country; Increasing irrigated arable land and improving post-harvest handling.

2.Speed up the process of establishing Integrated Craft Production Centers (Udukiriro) across the Country, especially in locations lacking such facilities, while optimizing the use of existing centers.

3.Continue the construction and/or rehabilitation of feeder roads to facilitate the transportation of farmers’ produce to the market.

4.Create platforms for the Rwandan Community Abroad to make secure investments in the country, and connect them to job opportunities on the local market.

5.Continue to improve access to water in rural communities and areas difficult to reach.

6.Review BDF’s programs to ensure that they provide adequate support to smal businesses, with a focus on Agri-business startups.


7.Improve the healthcare system by expanding health facility networks and increase professionals at all levels.

 Additionally, enhance infrastructure and equipment while addressing impediments preventing healthcare centers from delivering quality services.

8.Continue to strengthen technical education by increasing the number of schools and providing them with quality and adequate equipment.

9.Continue to promote and support young Rwandans studying rare skills and encourage them to return home after graduation to contribute to the country’s development.

10.Professionalizing the sports sector by focusing on: Putting in place a structured environment to help young Rwandans develop their potential in sport across various 

sport disciplines.


11.Continue to promote a culture of unity and resilience among the Rwandan popuation with a strong emphasis on the youth by educating them about the laws against denial and revisionism, confront those propagating the genocide ideology, and bring to justice the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi perpetrators.

12.Continue to increase the number of services delivered online through the Irembo platform.

13. Assist young people in their personal development by Informing them about employment opportunities across different fields and promoting a culture of continuous learning; Supporting creative art programs that contribute to the growth of artists 

and strengthen communities and Setting up youth training centers where necessary.

 Source: Government of Rwanda.


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