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New South Wales One Nation Leader Tania Mihailuk Responds to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s $4.7 Billion Domestic Violence Plan

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New South Wales One Nation Leader, Tania Mihailuk, has expressed her thoughts following Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s announcement of a $4.7 billion plan aimed at combating domestic violence across Australia. The plan, revealed at the latest national cabinet meeting, seeks to address the rising rates of domestic violence, offering additional resources and support to those affected.

Mihailuk welcomed the federal government’s focus on this pressing issue but raised concerns about the practical implementation of the plan. “While it’s encouraging to see the federal government committing to a significant financial investment, we must ensure that these funds are allocated efficiently and effectively,” Mihailuk said. “Too often, we see large sums of money promised, but the real impact on the ground remains minimal.”

The $4.7 billion package, which includes funding for crisis shelters, support services, and legal assistance, is part of a broader effort by the Albanese government to curb domestic violence and provide more resources to frontline organizations. The Prime Minister emphasized that addressing domestic violence is a national priority, with a commitment to halving the rate of violence within a decade.

Mihailuk, however, stressed the importance of state and federal governments working closely together. “It’s crucial that New South Wales and other states have a seat at the table in shaping how these funds are distributed. Domestic violence is an issue that varies in its nature and severity across regions, so a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work.”

The One Nation leader also pointed out the need for greater transparency in how these resources are used, noting that many rural and regional areas in New South Wales remain underserved when it comes to domestic violence support services. “For too long, rural communities have been left behind when it comes to access to essential services. This funding must prioritize these vulnerable populations.”

Mihailuk further called on the Prime Minister to ensure that the funding doesn’t just focus on immediate response measures but also addresses the root causes of domestic violence. “Prevention and education are key. We need to address the underlying social and economic factors contributing to domestic violence if we are to make any lasting change.”

The plan, which includes support for victims, increased legal resources, and enhanced data collection, marks a significant step in addressing domestic violence at a national level. However, leaders like Mihailuk are urging caution to ensure that the ambitious goals set by the government lead to meaningful and measurable results.

In her concluding remarks, Mihailuk reiterated One Nation’s stance on supporting victims of domestic violence but emphasized the need for collaboration and accountability. “It’s a step in the right direction, but we need to make sure this funding is not just a political headline, but something that genuinely makes a difference in the lives of those affected by domestic violence.”

The $4.7 billion domestic violence plan will now move forward as state and federal governments work together to implement the new measures, with a key focus on ensuring that those most in need receive the support they deserve.


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