Rwanda’s ruling party, RPF-INKOTANYI, has announced its new five-year manifesto 2024 to 2029, on which the party candidates will campaign in the upcoming 2024 presidential and member of Parliament election.
This was discussed during an extraordinary congress held at the RPF-Inkotanyi headquarters in Rusororo, Kigali, attended by over 2,000 party cadres on Saturday, March 9.
In the next five years from 2025-2029, RPF Inkotanyi has expressed that it will put effort into creating new jobs, with at least 250,000 jobs being created per year, focusing on women and youth.
The Rwanda Patriotic Front, RPF, has decided that in five years the growth of agricultural and livestock production will be at 8% every year and industrial production will reach 13% every year.
Another goal is to develop transportation and improve transportation services, provide electricity and clean water for all, continue the development of cities and rural areas, and promote the use of technologies.
1,091 km of asphalt roads and 1,626 km of feeder roads will be constructed and repaired. Three ports will be built on Lake Kivu (Rusizi, Karongi, and Rutsiro).
It is also at the time when the construction of the Bugesera International Airport will be completed, and the Center of Excellence in Aviation Skills will be built.
On the other hand, RPF Inkotanyi expects that passengers using RwandAir will double and cargo transport will be improved.
The distribution of clean water and electricity in unreached areas will reach 100%, along with improved lighting and cooking methods that protect the environment. This will go hand in hand with the construction of clean infrastructure in the City of Kigali and other cities, including factories and wastewater treatment plants.
RPF-Inkotanyi expects that fast and efficient communication services will reach 100% and that the technology and communication infrastructure will be improved, as well as related services.
It will go along with increasing the knowledge of all Rwandans in the use of technology (Digital Literacy) and the development of technology based on artificial intelligence (AI).
Income from tourism is projected to increase to $1.1 billion by 2029 from $495 million in 2024. Meanwhile, income from mining per year will increase to $1.8 billion in 2029 from $1.1 billion in 2023.
Efforts will be made to increase the number and capacity of teachers, curriculum, manuals, and infrastructure, including technology, and an increase in classrooms for all grades and model schools.
Efforts will be made to combat the problem of children dropping out of school and strengthen the school feeding program.
In the Health Sector, RPF Inkotanyi has decided to continue to increase the number and capacity of medical workers, and to build and renovate hospitals, including those in Muhororo, Gisenyi, Masaka, Ruhengeri, etc.
The treatment of specific diseases will be promoted, and the fight against infectious and non-communicable diseases will be carried out by increasing capacity and improving the efficiency of health insurance services.
Child obesity will be combated with the aim of reducing it from 33% to 15% by 2029.
Efforts will continue to visit relations, promote cooperation with foreign countries, in the region, on the African continent, and elsewhere in the world, in order to expand the benefits based on those relations and strengthen learning.
Among other things, efforts will continue to strengthen the unity of Rwandans, trust, and integrity, and to fight against the ideology of Genocide against the Tutsis.
RPF’s Secretary-General, Wellars Gasamagera, highlighted the party’s achievements in economic development, social welfare, and infrastructure, despite challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic.
Gasamagera outlined improvements in economic growth, infrastructure, education, and healthcare, emphasizing the party’s commitment to the national Vision 2050 for sustainable development.