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President Kagame Approves retirement of five Generals

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President Paul Kagame, Commander-in-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), has approved the retirement of Gen. Jean Bosco Kazura and four other generals—Brig. Gen. John Bagabo, Brig. Gen. John Bosco Rutikanga, Brig. Gen. Johnson Hodari, and Brig. Gen. Firmin Bayingana.

The President has also approved the retirement of 170 senior officers and 992 other ranks.

The retirements were announced on Friday, August 30, in a statement issued by Rwanda Defence Force (RDF).

Speaking at a send-off ceremony for the General Officers, senior officers and other the other soldiers at the RDF Headquarters in Kimihurura, Kigali, the Minister of Defence Juvenal Marizamunda, who represented the Commander-In-Chief, President Paul Kagame, expressed the country’s gratitude for their service, including roles in the liberation struggle.

“I encourage you to uphold the same dedication you have shown throughout the years,” an RDF statement quoted Marizamunda as saying.

He noted that younger RDF soldiers have learned valuable lessons from their examples.

In his remarks, the RDF Chief of Defence Staff, Gen MK Mubarakh, emphasised that this is a unique milestone, marking the culmination of long and distinguished military careers, reflecting the highest credit upon the retiring military personnel.

“Behind each of our historical successes have been your sacrifices, dedication, and commitment to accomplishing the mission of defending our country. You have served our nation with distinction and honour, and you can be proud of your contributions to current peace and security. You have left behind a tremendous legacy, not just in the accomplishment of your duties but in strengthening the respected institution of the RDF,” said Gen Mubarakh.

Brig Gen John Bagabo, speaking on behalf of the retirees, expressed gratitude to His Excellency President Paul Kagame and the Commander-in-Chief of the RDF for his leadership and guidance over the years, noting that during the struggle to liberate the country, the President emphasised the importance of good conduct to benefit the nation and distinguish themselves from their adversaries.

“These principles have remained with us and continue to guide our actions. As we move into the Reserve Force, we take great pride in bidding farewell with honour. We ask our leaders present today to relay our message to the Commander-in-Chief, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to serve and protect the accomplishments we have fought for over the years. We stand ready to support the RDF active force in our future deployments,” said Brig Gen Bagabo.

The retirees were awarded certificates in recognition of their service to the Rwanda Defence Force.


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